Happy Father's Day!

To my dad - Wesley 
   On one of the best days ever - as we were getting ready to walk down the aisle, we had a moment alone and he told me how beautiful I looked,  he asked if I was ready, and he told me that he loved me very much. Then the doors to the church swung open and I saw my amazing future husband Greg standing at the front of the church looking so handsome, and my family and friends leaning into the aisle with huge smiles on their faces.  I teared up immediately, and said, "this is incredible", and dad said, "enjoy this Lisa".  I did. It was wonderful.  Thanks dad for being there, on that day and every day.

And to the Daddy of my girls - Greg
Here he is with each of his newborn girls (I can't believe how similar they look!)
Tessa 2013
Clara 2010

Ella 2007
   Thank you for showing them what a strong, caring, and loving father is.  Thanks for being an excellent partner in this parenting journey that we're on.  Thanks for caring a lot about the environment so our kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids will have a better world to live in.  Thanks for all the small things you do to help us have a wonderful life.  It's easy to see why the girls adore their Daddy very much.  Have a Happy Father's day.
