Grand Valley Trail End-to-End Report - Day 3 - July 31, 2017- Bellwood Lake to Elora

July 31, 2017  Belwood lake to Elora 21.5k. My favourite Grand Valley run so far. Only 2k of bushwhacking from 8-10k.  A little bit of road, but the rest was twisty, rooty, wonderful traily goodness. Lots of bridge crossings especially from the town of Fergus onward.  I loved when we got to Elora. The trails followed the Grand River there and were beautiful along the Gorge. I found a geocache and left a golf ball (that I had found earlier in the run), and took a picture :)  It was so hot. I was ok and wasn't suffering, but Greg wasn't feeling great after his run. I totally forgot about food and extra water for after our run, but luckily Elora is super-touristy so treats like over-priced ice cream and coke were easy to find. I took lots of pics and had a great run.

Before I began my GVT run, I always made sure to touch the signpost (or landmark), that I had touched when I ended the last part of the GVT trail.  Today is was a sign marking snowmobile directions.

See the blaze?  It's there.  We're on the "trail"  :)
