Running around Anjos - keeping an eye out for washed-up whales

   July 11 - Another early-morning coastal run around the trails starting at the town of Anjos.  When we parked at the boat launch, we noticed that the harbour was really smelly.  Grandma explained to us later that it was probably a dead whale that washed ashore - we didn't see any dead whales, but funny that that's normal to her.
   We went west up a large hill and through more cow pastures (no aggressive cows this time).  We ran along a cobblestone path along a high ridge and back.  That was neat.  We figured out that we were on the wrong path and made our way back to our car early to try a different trail before we got too lost.
   Greg and I ran along the new trail that started a big statue of Christopher Columbus - who was credited for discovering the island for the Europeans - then I guess Portuguese explorers claimed it, and settled there.  The trail was mostly on open fields of cactus and grass.  There was a lot of cow-pasture running.  It was hard to run in some of the open cow pastures because it was both very rocky and rutty from deep cow tracks in hard mud (then covered with dry grass).  It was hard to choose where to step.  It slowed me down quite a bit.  Greg flew along without a problem.  I was confused - then he told me that his big size-13 feet stayed above the holes - like snowshoes on the rutty trail.  We ran for about 6k before circling back to the car, driving home and having breakfast with my mom, grandma, and the kids.
