That's not a goose

Yesterday while I was in the driveway of my house, taking my youngest out of her car seat, she pointed up and said, "Goose Mommy!"  In the fall we would see lots of Canada geese flying past, so every large bird in the sky is a goose to her.  When I looked up, I was surprised to see what she was referring to was definitely NOT a goose.  It's huge wing-span and very distinctive white head made it easy to identify as an adult bald eagle.  It circled slowly, many times above the tree tops as my 3 girls and I watched.  That was the first time I have seen a bald eagle from my front yard.

I see them quite regularily on my long runs.  I meet my running group at a parking lot on the banks of the Grand River, and bald eagles love to nest in the limestone cliff that surround the river near Cambridge.  I love seeing them.  Whenever we do, we always stop and watch.  A nice treat during our urban-trail runs.   Bald Eagle-count for 2015 - 1.
